Ms. Kathy Gonzalez

Redefining Beauty ( 9th -12th grade )
A Period Section: 9:15 AM - 10:15 AM

Women have often faced pressures to be silent and invisible, to stay within narrow roles as housemakers, mothers, and wives. A valuable woman was described as a beautiful one, and yet their beauty manifested through their good worlds, their intelligence, their creativity, their charity, their drive to succeed, their empowered voices, and their deft reasoning. We’ll survey the lives of Venetian women from history, spanning 500 years, many of them proto-feminists who anticipated the ideas of later feminist writers like Mary Wollstonecraft, Simone de Beauvoir, Eleanor Roosevelt, Betty Friedan, Gloria Steinem, and others from the First and Second Waves of Feminism. Then we'll examine how their unique contributions redefine beauty and connect to the definitions thrust upon people even today.

The Embroidered Heart
 ( 6th -12th grade )
B Period Section: 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Working with one's hands, such as through embroidery, can be a lovely, calming escape from your cares as you immerse yourself in patterns and colors. Learn basic embroidery patterns like the straight, running, and back stitches, the French knot, and the chain and blanket stitches and use them to create soft felt hearts that you get to keep or give as gifts. We'll spend our days' sewing, snipping, and chatting as you learn a new skill (or practice one you already know).

Latin Roots: For Building Vocabulary ( 9th -12th grade )
C Period Section: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Have you ever wondered about the building blocks of words? What those syllables--those roots, prefixes, and suffixes--actually mean? The English language contains many Latin and Greek roots, and putting these pieces together can reveal new insights into word meanings (plus help you enlarge your vocabulary or learn scientific terms!). Each day we'll tackle a new list then play lots of games to practice them.

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